"Both MDC-A, MDC-T Members Are Entitled To Be Congress Delegates," - MDC Organising Secretary
4 years agoThu, 02 Jul 2020 14:08:01 GMT

MDC organising secretary Abednico Bhebhe has expressed reservations on the by MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe to recall MDC Alliance senators.
Bhebhe described the move as disturbing, divisive and uncalled for adding that it is only meant to block some officials from attending the congress. Speaking to Daily News, Bhebhe said:
It is disturbing when senior leaders become that divisive as to want to bar others from participating in the congress.The court judgment speaks to two formations — one led by Khupe and the other led by Chamisa and I do not understand how anyone can be said to belong to the MDC Alliance party.Delegates from both formations are entitled to be delegates as long as they were part of the 2014 structures.
Bhebhe added that since he was the one responsible for drawing up the list of delegates, he will not for hands while members who are entitled to attend the congress are being blocked.
He encouraged the leadership to shun divisive tactics urging them to take measures to unite members.
The court ordered extraordinary Congress that was slated for the 31st of July is meant to choose the successor to the late MDC’s founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai.
More: Daily News