Mphoko underfire for saying there is no marginalisation, accused of singing for his super
Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko has come under fire from opposition parties and civil society groups for claiming that there is no marginalisation in Matabeleland. Mphoko has been derided for his comments and been accused of being ill informed as well as looking out for his own interests at the expense of the truth.
MDC deputy spokesperson, Mbuso Siso yesterday said:
I don’t remember from his term in office hearing him speak sense. He is one person that would say something that benefits himself and not Matabeleland
Mphoko has even failed to convince his friends that he dines with, at least to construct the Bulawayo-Nkayi road to his own place of birth.
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Zapu deputy spokesperson, Iphithule Maphosa added:
For Mphoko not to see this blatant social ill only proves he really uses his belly to think.
He’s only trying to find relevance with those who are perpetuating marginalisation and Zezuru hegemony manifesting as the G40 faction in Zanu PF
People here don’t easily get jobs in the civil service, 99% of government workers are from the east. Government facilities such as loans and other opportunities are given to Shona-speaking people.
#This Constitution leader, Abigale Mupambi also said:
Maybe it is because he doesn’t have a constituency in Matabeleland, he is confused as to who he should serve.
It’s a pity to have a Vice-President who is this lost.
More: NewsDay