
Zimbabwe Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Update: 12 December 2021

3 years agoMon, 13 Dec 2021 04:37:03 GMT
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Zimbabwe Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Update: 12 December 2021

Here is the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Situation Report or Update for Zimbabwe by the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) on 12 December 2021:

  • 2 138 New Cases (All local) and 3 Deaths were reported today. (7-day rolling average* for new cases rises to 4 013 from 3 783 (yesterday)
  • Vaccination Update: 12 059 received the 1st dose today bringing cumulative for 1st dose to 3 956 020 while 10 080 received their 2nd dose bringing cumulative for 2nd dose to 2 976 972 as at 1600 hrs.
  • As of 11 December 2021, @1500hrs there were 242 hospitalised cases: New Admissions (53), Asymptomatic 1, mild to moderate 211, severe 24 and 6 in Intensive Care Units.
  • 8 682 tests were done today (Positivity today was 24.6%).
  • 214 new recoveries: National Recovery rate falls to 78% & Active cases go up 32 626.
  • As of today, Zimbabwe has recorded 167 140 Cases 129 776 recoveries & 4 738 Deaths.
Province PCR Tests + Ag Cum Cases (New) Recovered Cases (New) Active Cases Deaths (New)
Bulawayo 341 16 701(200) 12 683(1) 3275 743(2)
Harare 5226 37 666(594) 26 172(16) 9959 1535(1)
Manicaland 416 17 948(237) 14004(64) 3477 467(0)
Mash Cent 495 9 669(106) 8 246(0) 1164 259(0)
Mash East 582 18 412(232) 13 979(1) 4081 352(0)
Mash West 0 19 630(202) 16 147(0) 2985 498(0)
Midlands 808 13 018(147) 9 950(64) 2660 408(0)
Masvingo 403 13 502(110) 11 433(52) 1882 187(0)
Mat North 292 9 627(108) 8 173(16) 1348 106(0)
Mat South 119 10 967(202) 8 989(0) 1795 183(0)
Total 8 682 167 140(2138) 129 776(214) 32 626 4738(3)

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